Moment of Truth

Moment of Truth may be the definitive cinematic treatment of bullfighting, but as expected of Rosi, the excitement and beauty, like the title, are layered with irony. "Its theme is not merely the ritual instant in which bull and matador face death, but the wretched Spanish peasant's ironic reward for the courage with which he faces the overwhelming challenges of daily life. Rosi's young hero (in actuality Spain's third ranking matador, Miguel Mateo Miguelin) escapes from arduous labor on his ancestral farm to backbreaking, unremunerative toil in the city-until he decides to pit his nerve and strength against the bulls. His spectacular, unorthodox technique dazzles the crowds: Miguelin fights bulls seated, cornered, and on his knees. Fortune's darling,...society courts him...the crowds are eager to buy his courage....The heart of The Moment of Truth is the social reality of Spain. The sense of the land-the hot, dusty roads, the hooded religious processions, the hard eyes of putas in working-class dives-pervades its images." (Berkeley Cinema Guild) Repeated Sunday, April 20.

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