Tuesday, Feb 25, 1997
Director in Person Monstershow, the award-winning narrative by filmmaker Richard Myers of Northeast Ohio, was born of two inspirations: an 8mm film of Frankenstein which he began but never completed when he was twelve years old, and three archetypal horror stories, Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. "Frankenstein is the creature with no name-the reanimated corpse who manages to gain our sympathy. Dracula is the undead-the thing that could not die. And Jekyll and Hyde represent the terrible change that happens inside us°.I think every child is fascinated by these stories," Myers has commented. "They scare us, but they also shape our imagination." Intercutting between a traveling carnival show, images from monster films, including his childhood Frankenstein film, and filmed dream journals, Monstershow is a moody, dark yet humorous exploration of the sway dark forces continue to have on our subconscious. The result has been described as "the ultimate dissolution between myth and memory, dreams and film. All become one, summed up in this subtitled statement: 'The mind creates life, projects the landscape but can't control the imagined world.'" (Amy Bracken Sparks)
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