The Morals of Marcus

“Quite a good vehicle for the tempestuous charm of Lupe Velez, in the role of an English-born girl who escapes from a Syrian harem when her stepfather demands she become the 33rd wife of a toothless, wealthy native. Concealed in the straw of a packing case Carlotta discovers she has hidden among the treasures of an English explorer who is returning home to inherit a title and estates...of course, she takes refuge in his London home....” (Variety, 1935). “In was considered a smart and somewhat risqué little film and was well received.... If one can't quite accept the idea of Lupe Velez as an Eastern harem girl, then she compensates by adding so much life to it that it hardly matters...(and) it remains a pleasing film, though hardly as daring as it seemed in 1935! Actor Miles Mander was an infrequent director but an interesting one, often quite innovative, and even when dealing with primarily theatrical material, always concerned with pictorial compositions and camera movement.” (William K. Everson)

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