Movie Crazy

The story of a country clod coming to Hollywood, where he makes it big because he is funny in spite of himself, is one the Kansas-born comedian Harold Lloyd might well have told with some conviction. Movie Crazy is widely considered to be the silent clown's best sound-film effort. William K. Everson writes, "Casting Harold as a movie-struck youth seeking stardom allows for the exploitation of a Hollywood background, much in vogue then, and also permits Harold, logically, to pursue success in a way that would not be grating to a Depression-era audience. In fact, the Hollywood locale provides a kind of barrier against the 'real' world, and no reference to the Depression ever creeps in. Some of Lloyd's best routines (from The Freshman and The Kid Brother in particular) are dusted off, redesigned, and presented with fresh trappings." Our print is recently preserved by UCLA Film Archive.

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