Friday, Mar 21, 1986
My Son "Che" (Mi Hijo El "Che": Un Retrato De Familia De Don Ernesto Guevara)
Che Guevara, the smiling young Argentine doctor turned Cuban guerrilla leader, is allowed a very human face in My Son "Che", a film portrait based on an interview with Che's father Don Ernesto Guevara Lynch. Don Ernesto, as it happens, was an amateur cinematographer, and thus the first to capture el che on film; he is also a lively and thoughtful gentleman (now in his eighties, living in Cuba), and a political activist who, although from the upper classes, obviously influenced his revolutionary son. His detailed and pointed observations on Che's youth, politics and actions accompany a wealth of images gleaned from his own family photos and supplemented by some rare footage of Cuban guerrilla activities. Reflecting on the man and his deeds, Don Ernesto informs the heroic image of his son as he demystifies it. His Argentine compatriot Fernando Birri (living and making films in Rome) has fashioned all of this material into an intimate picture of the two Guevaras, father and son, at the point where their lives intersected with each other and with history.
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