Wednesday, Mar 8, 2000
Nas Correntes de Luz da Ria Formosa
Known for his stubbornly independent and regionally attuned films such as All the Vermeers in New York, Sure Fire, and Plain Talk & Common Sense, Jon Jost has of late engaged the guerrilla flexibility of digital video. He has completed two large electronic works, London Brief (1999), a portrait of the heavily mediated public spaces of London, and tonight's selection, Nas Correntes de Luz da Ria Formosa. Spending several months along Portugal's Algarve Coast, Jost recorded the life of a fishing village, capturing a sense of the place through somnolent but poetic rhythms and sensual, painterly images. This is a meditative work that relies on the viewer's own activated involvement with the almost abstracted image track. Boats rocking in the harbor, whitewashed abodes and cobbled streets, a thatched marketplace, seasonal festivals and impromptu gatherings, the comings and goings of merchants: Jost toys with the mundane pictorial, often softening the focus or washing out the image in the glare of Mediterranean sunlight. The result is a strangely unfinished landscape, low-res and yearning for completion-a primal world of color and light before the eye was civilized.-Steve Seid
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