Wednesday, May 2, 2001
The Natural History of the Chicken
Mark Lewis's (Cane Toads) latest work of gentle social surrealism paints a portrait of a world where chickens rule?or at least hold an eerie power over the humans around them. Consider the enviable life of Cotton, an impassive Japanese Silkie whose owner treats it to shampoo baths, swims in the pool, Pavarotti, and McDonald's. Witness Janet Bonney's amazing mouth-to-beak resuscitation of her bird Valerie, as well as the "animal communicator" who solicits Valerie's account of the hereafter (for chikens, too: a bright white light). Lewis takes genuine delight in the eccentric as he makes the case for the chicken's central role in American life. With short: Doos and Don'ts (Johan Eriksson, U.K., 2000, 14 mins): Flying pigeons for sport stirs old animosities in a working-class Glasgow neighborhood.
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