Never Forever

Winner of the Jury Prize at this year's Deauville American Film Festival, Never Forever self-assuredly takes the adultery melodrama to an altogether new realm, transforming a love triangle into a story that encompasses the broad range of the Korean American experience. Blonde, blue-eyed Sophie (The Departed's Vera Farmiga, in a powerful performance) has married into a devout Christian Korean American family, but her husband's impotence prevents them from having children. Out of a desperate desire to please her husband and his family, she hatches a plan to pay a Korean immigrant to impregnate her. As she did in her previous film Invisible Light (SFIAAFF '04), director Gina Kim sensitively explores the struggle between a woman's instinct and her predicament. The result, wrote Justin Chang in Variety, is “a chamber-piece of hushed eroticism and surprising narrative grip.”

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