Saturday, May 5, 1984
Nightmare Alley
One of the blackest American film noirs of the 1940s, Nightmare Alley is fascinating if only for the amount of cynical, sordid material it presents as a matter of course. A study of the dark side of the entertainment world, it presents a host of noir characters whose soulless ambition is terrifying enough to place the film on the cusp of the horror genre. Tyrone Power is effectively cast against type as a mind-reader in a carnival side-show who ascends a ladder made of gullible women almost to the top--nearly cornering the religious-cult market in Chicago--before plummeting to the depths of carnival-life degradation that had so fascinated him in his climbing days: employed as a geek, he chews off the heads of chickens in return for a bottle and a bed for the night. Nightmare Alley was too extreme to be a great box-office success, and critically it was a case of you-can't-win-for-losing: while the New York Times noted its “shocking lack of good taste,” recent reassessments have cited Edmund Goulding--director of Grand Hotel and The Razor's Edge--for failing to acknowledge cinematically the depths to which the story sinks: “Nightmare Alley is the quintessential ‘B' movie spoiled by an ‘A' production,” laments Clive T. Miller in his book, Kings of the Bs.
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