That Night's Wife (Sono yo no tsuma)

David Bordwell provides English narration for That Night's Wife, which David Owens of the Japan Society describes as "a crime melodrama set in a twelve hour period. Shuji Hashizume, an ordinary citizen of meager means, is driven to robbery in order to provide for his critically ill daughter. As the film opens up he is being pursued by the police. He gets word to his wife that this evening is particularly dangerous for him, but somehow he will get money for their daughter's medicine to her. This evening is also critical for the girl, for the doctor has said if she can make it through this stretch she will probably recover. Hashizume, after a series of diversions, hails a gypsy cab that delivers him to his door. He turns over to his wife his cash and pistol and hides himself in the apartment as he hears a knock at the door..."

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