Sunday, May 24, 1987
No Regrets for Our Youth (Waga Seishun ni Kui Nashi)
Made immediately after the war, No Regrets for Our Youth is based on an incident in thirties Kyoto in which a democratic-minded university professor was dismissed for "Communist thinking" and one of his students, a leader of an anti-war movement, was subsequently executed as a spy. Kurosawa is concerned with the effect of this persecution upon someone whose implication in the events evolves from personal rather than political commitments-namely, the professor's idealistic daughter, who is also the student's girlfriend. Her suffering-which leads her to eventually leave the city and go to work on a farm-is the focus of the film. Kurosawa has commented, "The critics were ferocious about the character of the woman in this picture but it was only here and in Rashomon that I ever fully and fairly portrayed a woman. Of course, all my women are rather strange, I agree. But this woman I wanted to show as the new Japan" (quoted by Donald Richie in Sight and Sound).
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