Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007
Noisy People
Bay Area Premiere!
Tim Perkis in Person, with Guest Performers
It's hard to find a more daring and tenacious experimental music scene than the one emanating from the Bay Area. Nowhere, not even New York, are the musicians, composers, and technologists more committed to confounding our expectations. Tim Perkis, himself a longtime manufacturer of musicalities, has compiled sonorous sketches of eight earsplitting artists and their booming brethren for Noisy People. It's difficult to place these musicians; most are multi-instrumentalists, rarely settling on any conventional manner of eking notes, but what does link them is an accepted marginality. From Phillip Greenlief's challenge to encounter composition differently, to Cheryl Leonard's search for sounds in nature; from Dan Plonsey's desire to find the musical not in every sound, but in every person, to Gino Robair's instruction to “play nothing, but intensely”: these artists are in a constant state of revelation, coaxing supple sounds from an expanded sense of the sensorium. The only thing unsound about these noisy people is their music.
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