Odô Yá! Life with AIDS

Preceded by: Ex-Voto (Tânia Cypriano, 1990), in which the artist offers up thanks to Nossa Senhora da Aparecida, Patron Saint of Brazil, in gratitude for saving her from a childhood accident. (7 mins) Brooklyn Bridge (Marcia Antabi, 1998) finds the artist contemplating the gravity of culture as she prepares to depart one for another. (7 mins)The nurturing and magnanimous gods of Candomblé, the Orixás, cast sexuality as a pleasurable and vital act. And because many of the Orixas are ambiguously gendered, this syncretic worship has come to embrace a wide swathe of sexual expressions. Nowhere has this embrace been more evident than in Candomblé's spirited response to AIDS. Cypriano's zestful documentary Odô Yá! focuses on the religion's efforts to cope with the epidemic, taking us to houses of worship, neighborhood programs like Rio's Odô Yá!, and black pride associations the likes of Ile Aye and Olodum. Throughout the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Bahia, Candomblé activists have rallied around the often marginalized victims of AIDS, bringing them education, pride, and perhaps their greatest shared resource, axé, the power of life. (58 mins)-Steve Seid

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