Once a Moth

The late seventies and early eighties sawthe emergence of socially aware women filmmakers in otherwise male-dominatedPhilippine cinema. Tonight's program features two of these directors, and focuseson the impact of their work on the industry and on popular debate. LupitaAquino-Kashiwahara's Once a Moth, with superstar Nora Aunor, tells of a Filipinanurse, Corazon, who dreams of working in the United States but whose illusionsabout that promised land are shattered as she witnesses the indignities sufferedby Filipinos at nearby Clark Air Base. When her brother is shot by a base guardwho claims to have thought he was shooting a boar, the absurdity of the situationis surpassed only by its tragedy. Corazon's dreams had opened the dialogue aboutAmerica in her family; her battle for justice-as "a moth that dared tochallenge the eagle"-brings the debate into the public.

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