One Small Step

Fusing documentary and fiction, Remi Vaughan-Richards's high-spirited attack on local corruption in Nigeria is centered on one woman's transformation from popular local hairdresser to ignored community activist. Isolated after she dresses down neighborhood politicians for doing nothing about overflowing garbage and contaminated water, Grace Fidelis persists in her efforts to organize and educate the women in her community.

• (45 mins, Color)

Preceded by:
Me Broni Ba
Akosua Adoma Owusu (Ghana/U.S., 2008)
(My White Baby). In this lively experimental film questioning notions of beauty, Akosua Adoma Owusu collages footage of hair-braiding salons in Ghana with animation of diverse hairstyles, accompanied by a dense soundtrack that includes her sister's story of emigrating from Ghana to the U.S., Oprah exclaiming about brown-skinned dolls, and pulsing Afrobeat and American soul!

• (22 mins, In English and Akan with English subtitles, B&W/Color, From the artist)

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