Only Angels Have Wings

“Howard Hawks' Only Angels Have the director's quintessential statement on professional camaraderie as applied to men striving to perform the impossible for purely gratuitous reasons. In a Central American banana republic, Grant leads a band of American flyers risking their lives to maintain a near-bankrupt airmail service against the hazards of the surrounding mountains and the enveloping fog and rain. Arthur as a tough, wisecracking chippy presages the latter-day Hawks heroine in her successful assimilation into the band's honor code. The style is deceptively smooth in concealing the razor-sharp timing, the complex groupings (especially around a communal piano), and the constant refining of themes of responsibility and expiation. This most romantic movie of Hawks' career, with its deep, volatile, and catalytic a great art film within the disguised trappings of a star-laden commercial release.” Andrew Sarris

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