Orchestra Rehearsal

One of Fellini's pleasures as a filmdirector was working with the composer Nino Rota. It was his memory ofattending the recording sessions of Nights of Cabiria and particularlyLa Dolce Vita (perhaps the most famous of Rota's scores) that encouragedan idea of making a film about orchestral activities. The tensions andtemperaments of musicians at work inspired the mischievous side ofFellini's personality. There was always a sense of satire behind theseobservations, and Fellini made a series of pen-and-ink sketches ofRota's fluctuations of patience during rehearsals. The possibilities ofuproar and violence, while playing the most dulcet tones, appealed tothe director's imagination. Orchestra Rehearsal has the elements of adocumentary, but with many whimsical touches. Only some of the musicianswere professional. Fellini had to have his "faces," includinga nonagenarian and the lady hunchback from Casanova. A Dutch actor(Baldvin Bass) was assigned the role of the beleaguered conductor, andhe is superb as the more dire events rise to a crescendo of chaos.Gluttony and sex even manage some expression, as well as sudden death.Most of all, Orchestra Rehearsal is consummate fun.-AlbertJohnson

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