Chantal Akerman's latest film is a powerful cinematic essay exploring the U.S./Mexican border. Part of a trilogy including South and East, both screened previously at PFA, it focuses on the thousands of Mexicans who attempt to migrate northward as undocumented laborers. When movement across the San Diego/Tijuana border was curbed by the use of high-technology surveillance, the flow shifted to the harsh regions surrounding the border towns of Agua Prieta, Sonora, and Douglas, Arizona, and the death toll escalated. Jessica Winter comments in the Village Voice, “Akerman's characteristically patient, pensive approach elegantly accommodates her reportorial responsibilities: She switches between wordless stationary shots-of barren, windswept roadsides or Mexicans kicking pebbles at the border wall-and interviews with sheriffs, migrant advocates, and relatives of those who didn't survive the northern passage.…Akerman glimpses something she can't comprehend, and crosses a line to see it better.”

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