Our Betters

Our Betters is a delightful Hollywood attempt at English high comedy--with some surprising sexual innuendos in the treatment and a cynical tone throughout. Constance Bennett is featured as Pearl Saunders, an American hardware heiress whose dream marriage to an English Lord turns into a nightmare on their wedding night, when he reveals that he has married her for money and is in love with another woman. Disenchantment provides the fuel that love never could for Pearl's powerful position as a society hostess; living apart from her husband, she manipulates her world of lovers, protectors, lovers' wives, and her own sister, who is naive enough to marry for love. Writing in Monthly Film Bulletin Tim Pulleine notes: "(I)t is not just as the resourceful player of a social role but as virtually the stage manager of the situations...that Pearl emerges, in Constance Bennett's performance, as a distinctively Cukorian heroine." William K. Everson calls Our Betters "something of a dry-run for The Women--in many ways a better film. Certainly it isn't forced to tone down its bitchiness to satisfy both the Production Code and Louis B. Mayer..."

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