Sunday, Oct 2, 2011
6 pm
Over the Edge
Burn, suburbia, burn: with a little help from Matt Dillon, Cheap Trick, the Ramones, and a handful of quaaludes, this definitive teenage wasteland film takes a torch to the seventies planned-community ideal. “Are you ready for this test, man?” “Sure I am, I just took some speed.” Bored, stoned, and restless, the teens and preteens of featureless suburb New Granada are ignored and/or despised by their parents and hunted by the cops. “A community with a juvenile crime problem is not a community with a high property resale value,” huffs a Cadillac-driving adult, but when tragedy occurs, it's time for the kids to tear it all up. Cast with a mix of nonprofessionals and no-names (including a then-unknown Matt Dillon), the film was pulled from circulation by a studio fearful of gang violence and youth uprising. The notorious inspiration for Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit video, the anarchic Over the Edge is, above all, “a denial” of seventies conformity.
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