Panic in the Year Zero!

Panic is an "idea" film, in premise an anti-Bomb film but with the interesting notion that a nuclear war is survivable "on an individual basis." Ray Milland is the rugged individualist in question. On a fishing vacation outside of L.A. when that city is leveled by a nuclear attack, he and his family hole up to take on the looters, killers, and rapists they are sure will emerge from the melee. Milland, who also directed, uses the kind of humorless irony that was his specialty to effect a particularly frightening efficiency in his character and in the film. "When civilization gets civilized, I'll rejoin," he avers. And when the time comes, he does. "Rebuild L.A." is a popular catch-phrase this year, but only the cognoscenti know that it was invented in this 1962 film from AIP.

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