Paper Tiger Reads Paper Tiger Television

Maria Juliana Byck is a media artist, Paper Tiger collective member, and distribution and administrative manager at PTTV. Following the program, she will lead a discussion on the future of activist media.

In the 1980s, beginning with Herb Schiller Reads the New York Times and on through Joan Does Dynasty, the radical media collective Paper Tiger Television pioneered critical analyses by activists, intellectuals, and artists. Bold, sassy, and very low-budget, their DIY programs originally unspooled in a weekly slot on public-access cable. A recurring phrase on their hand-painted sets-“It's 8:30pm, do you know where your brains are?”-skewered their antithesis, mainstream television, as well as suggesting one of their enduring messages, “everyone can make media.” While social justice has been an ongoing concern, later tapes have provided timely critiques of contemporary politics. Their newest work, Paper Tiger Reads Paper Television, features clips from their archive of over three hundred tapes as well as interviews with past and present members of the collective, including DeeDee Halleck and Jesse Drew, well known to Bay Area audiences.

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