Saturday, Apr 13, 1996
Paramount on Parade
Paramount on Parade was the best of the revue-style musicals that helped launch the sound era around 1929 and '30-lively, funny, with some class acts by Paramount's leading talent of the decade. Seen only in fragments over the years, the film has now been beautifully restored by the UCLA Archive (with Universal Pictures), complete with color tints and (regrettably still faded) two-color Technicolor scenes, as well as brilliantly recreated soundtrack sections. Among the best acts are three Maurice Chevalier segments directed by Ernst Lubitsch, including a grand finale rendering of "Sweeping the Clouds Away." "All in all, a timely treat for archivists, aficionados and plain old-fashioned musical-lovers alike." (Clyde Jeavons, London Film Festival '95)
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