Saturday, Oct 15, 1988
Paso Doble (Pas in Doi)
Dan Pita, internationally acclaimedRomanian filmmaker (his Stone Wedding, Orienteering, and Chained Justice have all shown at PFA), hasmade another extraordinary film in Paso Doble, a classical love story embedded in incisive social criticismand the rich film language for which he is known. Two bachelor factory workers-one a rugged charmer, theother shy and lovestruck-share a room at the workers' hostel and grow devoted to one another. Inevitably,the extrovert makes a move on his pal's beloved-an unwed mother-and the friendship breaks apart. Love'slabors are multi-purpose, however, since catching a woman and marrying her is the only chance for abachelor to move out of the collective lodgings. Fine, sensitive acting complements Pita's often audaciousfilm style to make this a fascinating, if not particularly flattering, glimpse into contemporary Romanianyouth. The film becomes a metaphor for Pita's own obsession with the human condition-starting, as thedirector writes, "from the need we, the humans, feel for discovering meanings and values of a mysticalcharacter in everyday, trivial, commonplace existence..." Prize winner, Berlin Film Festival '88.
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