Sunday, Feb 21, 1982
9:15 PM
From the PFA Collection: International Animation Classics: 1924-1974 -- Interplanetary Revolution, Puppet Love, Les Astronautes, Ersatz, Mr. Rossi Buys a Car, Maxicat: Lunch, Maxicat: Door
Interplanetary Revolution (USSR)
A delightful cartoon satire of Aelita about a red warrior from the Komsonol who carries on the fight against the bourgeoisie in outer space.
• By Kommissarenko, Merkulov, Khodatyev. (1924, 11 mins, 35mm, silent)
Puppet Love (The Mascot) (France)
A phantasmagorical triumph of object animation, depicting a surreal search for a juicy orange, a toy dog brought to life by a mother's tear, a Bohemian puppet dance, an onion-headed clown and much more. Every conceivable kind of material is used and animated - shreds of paper, straw, dolls, utensils, vegetables - and combined with live action.
• By Ladislas and Irene Starevitch. (1934, 15 mins, animation and live action)
Les Astronautes (France)
Walerian Borowczyk, in collaboration with Chris Marker, creates one of the strangest science fiction shorts ever. An inventor (a live actor) fills a space ship with his most treasured bric-a-brac, and launches it from the roof of his house. “Kafka's archetypal little man thrust into the fairy-tale world of outer-space...(a) mixture of poetry and burlesque, this is a masterpiece of surrealist incongruity.” --Monthly Film Bulletin
• By Walerian Borowczyk and Chris Marker. (1959, 15 mins, 35mm, color, live action and animation)
Ersatz (Yugoslavia)
A horrifying make-believe world is depicted, in which plastic inflatables substitute for everything - including humans. A parable on the unpredictability of human emotions; the climax is executed by a stray thumbtack.
• By Dusan Vukotic. (1961, 10 mins, 35mm, color, animation)
Mr. Rossi Buys a Car (Switzerland/Italy)
Mr. Rossi, a well-known Italian cartoon character, buys a car and turns into a vengeful terror on the road.
• By Bruno Bozzetto. (1966, 11 mins, 35mm, color, animation)
Maxicat: Lunch (Yugoslavia)
Maxicat's bowl of spaghetti turns out to be one long strand which sticks stubbornly to his plate. In finally loosening it, Maxicat opens a can of worms.
• By Zlatko Grgic. (1974, 59 secs, 35mm, color, animation)
Maxicat: Door (Yugoslavia)
Maxicat can't get through the mysterious door, because it's...The End.
• By Zlatko Grgic. (1974, 1 min 6 secs, 35mm, color, animation)
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