Saturday, Aug 10, 1991
The Phenix City Story
"It's Alabama, not Arizona, that's at stake here in this whiz-bang tabloid docudrama that leaves you with black ink on your hands and grease stains on your forehead even if you're not wearing a hat. This is Horace McCoy's Corruption City done right with a .38 hollow point straight through the heart of Dixie." (Barry Gifford) "In the summer of 1954...the apparently somnolent town of Phenix City, Alabama, became nationally famous as 'Sin City.' Prostitution, gambling, and drugs flourished openly in Phenix City, along with more esoteric rackets like a safecrackers' school and a black market baby ring, but only after the murder of the state's Attorney General-elect was the citizenry moved to demand a cleanup. All this is the stuff of which grade-B thrillers are made, and the very next year, right in Sin City itself, one was: The Phenix City Story...The Crane Wilbur-Daniel Mainwaring (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) screenplay laces the cold hard facts of the Phenix City story with cold hard fiction." (Mark Bergman, Kings of the Bs).
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