Wednesday, Aug 13, 1997
Pit Stop
Preceded by shorts: Accidental Confessions (Jeanne Finley, 1987). Scenes from demolition derby are combined with statements from auto insurance claims. (5:30 mins, Color, 3/4" video, From Video Data Bank).Hokey Stoke (Bill Daniel, 1988). Dig in with this sand dragging short from East Texas. (7:30 mins, B&W, 16mm, From the artist)Combining the speed of oval track and the heavy-metal crunch of demo derby, figure-8 racing is a perfect contemporary metaphor. Round and round you go, then wham, you're out of the race. Jack Hill's shearing Pit Stop follows the syncro-story of Rick Bowman (Dick Davalos), a smoldering street racer who wants to go legit. Under the tutelage of track promoter Grant Willard (Brian Donlevy), jelly-rolled rebel Rick gets into the fiery fray, taking on Hawk Sidney (Sid Haig), the reigning maniac of figure-8. Smoothed by constant velocity, Rick has a taciturn simplicity-he has to get somewhere and fast cars are his vehicle. Better known for Spider Baby and Foxy Brown, director Hill collides a high-speed lust for life-the drunken revelry, the flailing fist fights, the craven couplings-with body-bending action at Ascot Park in Los Angeles. Shot in stark B&W, Pit Stop is a nonstop crack-up, literally, with more mangled wrecks than a Cronenberg film.-Steve Seid
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