Wednesday, Jul 19, 1995
The Plan
Preceded by short: Wind Grass Song: The Voice of Our Grandmothers (Jana Birchum, Tori Breitling, U.S., 1989). Based on interviews with Oklahoma women age 85 to 101 years. (20 mins, Color, 16mm, From Women Make Movies) -------------------------------------------"The Plan follows the daily life of 1978 Utah Young Mother of the Year, Michele Meservy. For approximately an hour (much of it harrowing), the viewer watches and listens to an intelligent, articulate, and committed Mormon mother attempt to organize and subdue the chaos which surrounds her in the form of five extremely young children and a husband who walks softly and carries a big smile....Given their subject matter, the filmmakers have been wisely non-judgmental in approach. In her apparent 'unmodern' and willing subjugation to home and family, to a goal of familial perfection that seems not only unattainable but also faintly coercive and reminiscent of The Stepford Wives, Michele might have been an easy target for editorial ridicule, irony, or polemic. Instead, she is revealed as a complex person-bewildering and interesting as both a stereotype and a cipher. One cannot simply write off her commitment, belief, and admirable energy."-Vivian Sobchack, Network
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