Planet of the Female Invaders

In this alien invasion spectacular, a flying saucer impersonates an amusement park ride. That's right: a pie-pan spaceship lands next to a carnival and substitutes its saucer for the space ride. When giggling carnival-goers board the ride and discover they are being whisked off to the planet Sibila, they are not even faintly amused. Sibila, a planet ruled by the evil Adastrea (Lorena Velázquez) and her twin sister, Alburnia (Lorena Velázquez), is a bright idea-so bright that you go blind if exposed to its eternal daylight. That explains why the abductees-a family, a boxer, his girlfriend, and a couple of thugs owed money by the pugilist-wear welding masks outdoors. Back on Earth, Dr. Wolf, a good-natured scientist, is prepping his own spacecraft for a rescue mission to Sibila. To make matters worse, the Sibilians want to harvest human lungs as breathing devices for alien asthmatics. This atmospheric actioner will take your breath away.

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