Wednesday, Mar 5, 2003
Playback: Preserving Analog Video
World Premiere!
Special Guests: Doug Hall, Pamela Kramlich, Chip Lord, Skip Sweeney
For the better part of a decade, the folks at the Bay Area Video Coalition have waged a heroic battle against rust, preserving endangered videotapes in their uniquely outfitted facility. Now they have gone one better, producing Playback: preserving Analog Video, a DVD containing the inside info on what it takes to ensure our media legacy. On the occasion of the DVD release, we return to the urgent subject of preservation, one that never grows old even as the tapes do. Bay Area video pioneers Doug Hall, Chip Lord, and Skip Sweeney will talk informally about this much–needed rescue mission; Pamela Kramlich, a renowned collector of media art, will add her thoughts on safeguarding the past; and BAVC's Director Tamara Gould and the Playback producers will lead a pithy tour of the DVD. Finally, seminal Bay Area videoworks will be screened, including Ant Farm and T.R. Uthco's The Eternal Frame (1975, 23:50 mins, Color/B&W, from BetaSP), a keen but unnerving re-enactment of the Kennedy assassination, staged in Dealey Plaza in 1975. Used as the case study for Playback, the original source footage was preserved, then remastered. This ambitious undertaking put the "eternal" back in The Eternal Frame.
Additional works to be announced.
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