Polish Animation, Program 3

Sweet Rhythms (Slodkie Rytmy) (Kazimierz Urbanski, 1965, 6 mins). The Matter (Materia) (Kazimierz Urbanski, 1963, 9 mins). The Son (Syn) (Ryszard Czekala, 1970, 10 mins). The Roll-Call (Apel) (Ryszard Czekala, 1970, 7 mins). The Return (Powrót) (Jerzy Kucia, 1972, 9 mins). A View from Above (Widok z gory) (Marek Komza, 1978, 5 mins). The Fall (Jesien) (Zbigniew Szymanski, 1976, 7 mins). Esperalia (Jerzy Kalina, 1983, 9 mins). Light at the End of the Tunnel (Swiatlo na koncu tunelu) (Julian Antonisz, 1985, 11 mins). Tuning the Instruments (Strojenie instrumentow) (Jerzy Kucia, 2000, 16 mins)

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