Tuesday, Jan 9, 1979
9:15 PM
The Price of a Union (La Rancon d'Une Alliance) plus Body and Mind (Le Corps et L'Esprit)
In November 1978, the Museum of Modern Art in New York presented the American premiere of Sebastian Kamba's The Price Of A Union, a narrative film shot on location in the Monokotoub language in 16mm, and based on Jean Malonga's story “The Legend of Mpfoumou Ma Mazono.” The story, based on fact, concerns the two major clans living in the Pool region - the Tsoundi and the Tsembo - each of which was a matrilinear society. The union of the title is a clandestine relationship that becomes public; the price of the title is a conflict.
“Until recently, Kamba has been known for his documentary work... which covered many important pan-African cultural and social events.... Kamba speaks of his interest in the story on which The Price Of A Union is based. Three aspects drew his attention - the social organization of the clans (including the inherited power and non-human position of the slaves), the condition of women (who ‘represent' the brevity of life, who are the ‘vessel' of procreation and who, without rights, live simply at the mercy of men), and the position of the peasants (who are the pawns of the chieftains, and in effect no better than slaves).”
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