From Private to Public

A program of recent films and videos, primarily from Paris's experimental film distribution company Light Cone, which investigate relationships between memory, subjectivity, and public space; media and public address. The program presents various ways film and videomakers deal with such issues as where public space begins, and what our relation is toward history, when one is dealing with personal history and its relation to the world.-Yann BeauvaisGoude Revolution (Andrea Kirch, France, 1997, 9 mins). Safari Land (Cécile Fontaine, France, 1996, 10 mins). Field Studies (Scott Hammen, France/U.S., 1996, 10 mins, Silent). Public Domain (Vivian Ostrovosky, France, 1997, 13 mins). New York Long Distance (Yann Beauvais, France, 1994, 9 mins). Genocides (Hä;nzel & Gretzel, France, 1995, 2.5 mins, 3/4" video). Letter from Home (Mike Hoolboom, Canada, 1966, 15 mins). Still Life (Yann Beauvais, 1997, 12.5 mins, 3/4" video).Yann Beauvais is a film and videomaker, an independent curator, and founder of Light Cone.

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