Monday, Nov 5, 2001
Profit and Nothing But!
Preceded by short:
Bush Mechanics
This most recent documentary production by the acclaimed director of Lumumba is not so much a critique as an indictment of capitalism and the market economy. With a philosophical approach, Peck examines the economic setup that fuels the seemingly boundless prosperity of the West; he looks behind the thin blanket of affluence to show the heartless indifference of a system that purports to foster freedom while it enslaves millions. "The film...was a revelation. It was that unique combination of an astonishing aesthetic sensibility with powerful, intelligent, and relevant content...combin(ing) evocative images, powerful narration, and minimal interviews with a strong personal perspective." (Luiz DeBaros, The South African Film Site)
Bush Mechanics (David Batty (Australia, 2001). The latest installment of this ever–popular Aboriginal–produced television series. Part comedy, part how–to, part magic, Bush Mechanics offers tips for those unlucky enough to find themselves broen down in the Australian outback without a AAA card. (26 mins, Color, Video, From Film Australia Limited)
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