Program 1

P. Adams Sitney is a professor of visual art at Princeton University and author of the seminal Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde 1943–2000 and Eyes Upside Down: Visionary Filmmakers and the Heritage of Emerson, among other publications.

Early Monthly Segments, filmed when Beavers was eighteen and nineteen years old, is a stylized work of self-portraiture, depicting the filmmaker and his companion Gregory J. Markopoulos in their Swiss lodgings. The film functions as a diary, documenting the familiar with great love and transforming objects and ordinary personal effects into a highly charged work of homoeroticism. “Winged Dialogue details with growing clarity the desperate beauty and sexuality of the body animated by its soul” (Tom Chomont). “In Plan of Brussels, Beavers filmed himself in a hotel room . . . while in rapid rhythmic cutting, and sometimes in superimposition, the phantasmagoria of people he met in Brussels and images from the streets flood his mind” (P. Adams Sitney).

The Count of Days is not an account so much as an accounting of the days in which three separate persons are related at points . . . a penetration through the masks and habits of these days to reveal the nature of the charade and the arena in which it is enacted” (Tom Chomont). “In Palinode a disk-shaped matte continually shifting in and out of focus alternately blocks part of the image or contains it. Its respiratory rhythm matches musical fragments of Wladimir Vogel's Wagadu, as the camera studies a middle-aged male singer in Zurich, singing, eating, window shopping, meeting a young girl” (Sitney).

There will be a ten-minute intermission following Plan of Brussels.

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