Monday, Sep 5, 1983
Program IV: Los Ojos Como Mi Papá (Eyes Like My Father's), Simparele, and En Terre de Sandino (In the Land of the Sandinistas)
Los Ojos Como Mi Papá
(Eyes Like My Father's)
Direct testimonies made by children living in Cuba as political exiles from Latin American countries. Their stories relate the causes and the nature of their flight (in many instances without their fathers) and their adjustment to a new life in Cuba. Filmmaker Pedro Chaskel (editor of The Battle of Chile) is himself a political exile from Chile. He co-directed Los Ojos Como Mi Papá with his wife, Fedora Robles.
• Directed by Pedro Chaskel and Fedora Robles. Photographed by Adriano Moreno. Edited by Chaskel. (1979, 32 mins, In Spanish with English titles, 35mm, Color)
In a rich blend of fictional forms and documentary techniques, director Humberto Solás (Lucia) presents the history of the ongoing resistance of the people of Haiti as a series of tragic betrayals. The film incorporates dramatic reenactments, poetry and song, all performed by a cast of Haitian artists now living in Cuba.
• Directed and Written by Humberto Solas. Photographed by Livio Delgado. Edited by Nelson Rodriguez. Performed by Marta Jean Claude, Grupo de la Union de Haitianos, and el Conjunto Nacional de Danza Moderna. (1974, 30 mins, In Spanish with English titles, 35mm, Color)
En Tierre de Sandino
(In the Land of the Sandinistas)
This documentary records the historic moment of revolutionary transition in Nicaragua. The filmmaker journeys from city to countryside to discover the human dramas which serve to illuminate a complex historical moment.
• Directed and Written by Jesus Diaz. Photographed by Adriano Moreno and Guillermo Centeno. Edited by Justo Vega. (1980, 71 mins, In Spanish with English titles, 35mm, Color)
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