Quai des Orfevres (Jenny Lamour)

This 1947 film noir by France's “master of suspense,” Clouzot (Wages of Fear, Les Diaboliques), is considered by many to be the director's masterpiece, though it is rarely shown here. Clouzot effectively steeps this detective story in its cabaret stage and police station milieus. Chanteuse Jenny Lamour (Suzy Delair) thinks she has murdered a lecherous admirer, but it is her husband (Bernard Blier) who takes the rap. The detective on the case is Louis Jouvet.
“Clouzot had a perfect understanding of how to portray the actual Quai des Orfevres and the most up-to-date Parisian cafe concerts. To these portrayals he brought all the good taste, plastic feeling and artistic culture usually lacking in corresponding American productions. Certain scenes recalled the art of Manet, Degas or Lautrec. The values of the film were to be found in its form and the quality of its photography.... it is almost an apology for the ambitions of a young singer with no scruples, who trades solely on her pretty face....” (Georges Sadoul, French Film)

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