Queen Bee

“To the outside observer, Eva Phillips is the embodiment of cosmopolitan charm and winning grace. Comfortably situated in her Atlanta mansion, Eva (Joan Crawford) gives the impression of having only one thorn in her side, a bitter and drunken husband. But that's the uninitiated's point of view. To family and others unwittingly drawn into her luxurious hive, Eva bears closer resemblance to a Queen Bee whose vicious sting is calculated to achieve the maximum unpleasant consequences. Fueled by a nectar that is equal parts malice, vanity and greed, Eva is compelled to dominate or destroy the lives around her as she grapples for security and control. The ensuing wreckage includes a husband driven to drink and a young woman thrust into suicide. When Eva finally receives her comeuppance, some audience members will no doubt savor the mean twist of fate. Crawford excels in yet another variation of her Wifey Dearest persona. Barry Sullivan is equally compelling as the boozy, broken husband.” Laura Thielen

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