Radical Drifts

A selection of adventurous experimental works and subversive shorts with a wicked sense of humor. Black Hat White (Adam Cohen, 5 mins) is a whimsically animated claymation narrative that ruminates on gaps in perspective as a source of conflict. Evan Cheng's Dream #16 (9:30 mins, B&W) seamlessly combines visually stimulating and widely contrasting movie excerpts in a surprising portrayal of the origins of a familiar pop icon. My Body Is My Own (Samantha Staley, 4:30 min) challenges media representations of women and female sexuality through clever, jarring, and at times humorous appropriations of found footage. Also featured in this edgy, entertaining, and thought-provoking program are A Film Is Just a Film (Jeffrey Charles, 1:30 mins, 16mm), Sacred Tattoo (Derek Woods, 7 mins), Monsieur Loin (Benjamin Orwoll, 5:30 mins, B&W), So Cute Soju (Hélène Park, 1:30 mins), The Cabin (Hélène Park, 5 mins), Glass Wedding Gown (Yujiro Seki, 3 mins), The Drift (Paul Wie, 3 mins), Automaton (Hector Jimenez, 3 mins), Feodora (Andrew Moisey, Beatrice Sasha Kobow, 9:35 mins), Wings of Autumn (Jason Gatt, Brandon Jacobs-Mills, Gautam Rangan, Hoang Le, Matt Wong, 3 mins), and Pins (Elizabeh Neveu, Richard Parkin, Derek Woods, 5 mins).

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