
"An evocativeimpression of a shower of rain in Amsterdam. (The) film is concernedprimarily with abstract patterns, effects of light and unusualcompositions.... (Joris) Ivens' feeling for the beauty of the ordinarythings of daily life is already strongly in evidence, as is his masteryof the camera: the ease of movement, the spontaneity and sense offreedom are remarkable for such an early film (his second, in fact)...."(British Film Institute). Hanns Eisler's musical contribution was addedin the forties. R. G. Davis notes, "The music 'Fourteen Ways to DescribeRain' appears at the end of Eisler's book Composing for Film (1947) 'Inhonor of Arnold Schoenberg's seventieth birthday'.... The use of atonaland serial music for montage films illustrates Eisler's contention thatleitmotifs of 'schmaltz' film music can be replaced by particularsegments of unassociated music."

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