Real Live-Space

Artists in Person

Tonight's program looks at the fragmentation of reality into spaces of fantasy, contemplation, and activism. Prague Song (Marc Thomas Engberg, 7 mins) celebrates the sounds of the city through music in the streets. In C (Mehrad Noori, 4 mins), Dorothy enters Oz, leaving behind the bounds of black and white. Time stands still, paint splatters in motion, and art is found in MoMA Audio Adventure Club (Ian Cheng, 4 mins). Disappearing farmland and threatened seascapes are explored in Fast Talkers (Ariana Reguzzoni, 18.5 mins) and Samurai Surfers (Sachi Cunningham, 15 mins). Other films include the personal and experimental City Lights (Shuhei Akita, 11.5 mins); Yellowstone (Alexander Coughlin, 4 mins); Downstream (Kira Takeshita, 3 mins); miss.communication (Ashley Rodholm, 1 min, B&W/Color); 1/2 (Shuhei Akita, 3.5 mins); Birds of a Feather (Betty Ho, Lawrence Kwan, Kristen Stewart, David Wallace, 5 mins); The La5t Piece (Arun Murti, Abe Yang, 4.5 mins); and I Wish I Could See This Way (Jae Jung, 2005, 1 min).

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