Sunday, Apr 13, 1980
Real Time Is the Only Time
Admission Free
Real Time Is the Only Time is a time-sharing event and video projection. The artist flies from Los Angeles to Oakland, travels by car to Berkeley, walks into the Museum and stands upon a rotating plinth powered by solid state solar cells, makes a mobile phone call to a live talk show in LA (KPFK, Pacifica Radio) and talks with Claire Spark, her audience, and the Museum audience about real time and simultaneity.
During this elapsed time scenario, facsimile transceivers send life-size photo-composites to the Museum where they are assembled on the wall. A camera in the Museum space monitors subject matter offered by the audience and the artist for predetermined periods of time. This interactive real-time event examines the nature of simultaneity, video memory, energy systems, prime-time TV, non-scale, and the option for public and private space.
During this two-hour scenario, three tapes will be shown:
Picture Phone Performance
About a previous 2-way interactive event between LA and NYC.
• Produced by the Long Beach Museum of Art Post Production Facility. Edited by John Jebb. Event coordinated by Kathy Huffman and sponsored by UCLA through Mits Kataoka. With Shirley Clark, Nancy Drew, Peter Ivers, Gary Lloyd, Joan Logue, Nam June Paik, William Wegman. (1979, 30 mins)
All the Way to the Bank
An examination of prime-time program format, framing devices, point-of-view, and editorial fiction; generally considered comic or satiric.
• By Gary Lloyd and Harris Edelman. (1979, 12 mins)
The Race for Life (in progress)
is a color video drawing which reveals work spaces, photographs, a rapid series of possible work formats, a book in progress, and other errata. This tape varies in length as it is the daily journal used by the artist which will be sent to the Museum 2 days before the event. In this way, the artist hopes to bring a sense of his own necessity, impulse, attitude, and process to the event.
This event is the beginning of a one-week residency by the artist at UAM devoted to telecommunications. For more information, please contact the video staff.
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