Friday, Oct 4, 1996
Red Hollywood
Thom Andersen and NoelBurch's provocative documentary examines Red Hollywood-films by screenwriters anddirectors who were communists, ex-communists, or sympathizers, and were in someway implicated by the Hollywood investigations of the House Committee onUn-American Activities. Drawing on their extensive research; the reminiscences ofPaul Jarrico, Ring Lardner, Jr., Alfred Levitt, and Abraham Polonsky; and anarray of arresting film clips, the video reveals the extent to which theHollywood left was able to tint Hollywood cinema with its political convictions.Taking issue with Billy Wilder's oft-quoted put-down, "Of the UnfriendlyTen, only two had talent, the other eight were just unfriendly," RedHollywood reveals a largely neglected Hollywood legacy: films committed toraising questions regarding class, gender, and racism. They questioned the Systemitself-whether capitalism or the studio-and were answered withthe!nbsp;blacklist.
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