Wednesday, Nov 3, 1982
7:30 PM
Red Planet Mars
Nazism, Communism and scientific experimentation combine to bedevil the world in this wild science fiction fantasy that in fact never leaves California, and ends up a homely plea for religious faith on earth. Peter Graves and Andrea King are scientists who discover a superior civilization on Mars through the TV-like “hydrogen valve” technique developed by a Third Reich scientist. The advanced Martians have prolonged their life span to 300 years, conquered war and developed peaceful uses of the atom. When word leaks out on earth, pandemonium ensues; the Russians laugh as economic depression and political agitation threaten to destroy the Western world. But He who laughs last laughs best. When it is revealed that the Reds (Martians, that is) are ruled by a supreme being not unlike the Christian God, a religious revival redeems the American soul, a similar revolution rocks Russia--and the American President and the Martian Deity join in a radio address to the entire world. Red Planet Mars, released in May 1952, not-too-subtly predicts the election of Eisenhower to the Presidency.
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