Thursday, Sep 12, 1996
Preceded by short: Ten Minutes of Silence for John Lennon (Dix Minutes de silence pourJohn Lennon) (Raymond Depardon, France, 1980). In New York when Lennon waskilled, Depardon filmed the silent tribute in Central Park the following daywhich lasted ten minutes, exactly the length of a 16mm film magazine. A360-degree camera move captures "the strange immobility of introspective,silent bodies which recalls Jan Palach, another tribute to a contemporaryhero." (Frédéric Sabouraud) (10 mins) "Shutterbuggery is the subject of Depardon's delightful and ironicReporters, a documentary about a month's worth of assignments made by Paris'sGamma Agency (which Depardon co-founded). Reporters shows how the manic pace ofthe photogs and the encumbrance of their telefoto and wide-angle lenses°literallydistort, minimize, and magnify news events out of proportion. Depardon has alively sense of humor and montage°.Like mob hitmen, Gamma paparazzi 'stake out'celebrities and other dubious dignitaries°.The transvaluation of celebrity iswhat's at stake here: who makes the news, the newsmakers or newstakers? is thesubject of Reporters." (Carrie Rickey, Village Voice) With the participation(voluntary and involuntary) of Catherine Deneuve, Richard Gere, Jean-Luc Godard,Gene Kelly, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, François Mitterand, ChristinaOnassis, and photojournalists of the Gamma!nbsp;Agency.
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