Monday, Mar 8, 1999
Representing Reality: Documentaries
Students from the Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, and Film departments grapple with the myriad aesthetic and strategic concerns of documentary filmmaking. The program title Representing Reality is drawn from Bill Nichols's book of the same name. Hicktown, USA (Eric Martin, 10 mins) is a personal work that uses humor as a vehicle to explore the filmmaker's roots in cow-country. In Jahkiya Queen Marie McLoskey-Beasley (Adrienne Aubry, Chris Azalde, Elena Carr, Jesse Ehrman, 17:30 mins) an interracial couple struggles for harmony before and after the birth of a baby. Rice Chasers (Sky Tanberg, a.k.a. Sky Tan, 12 mins) takes on guys who chase only Asian girls. No Trespassing: Sovereignty at Risk (Ming-Hui Chen, Jennifer E. Madsen, Joel Medina, Shannon K. Morzov, Laurie Thomas, 23 mins) looks through a historical lens at the issue of Native American sovereignty. Where's Mario? (Javier Alvarez, Lauren Espineli, 10 mins) explores the ironic fact that so few Berkeley students know of Free Speech leader Mario Savio. In Free Soup (Lindsay Darf, Rick Godnick, Ryan Hill, Renale Massing, Michael Mott, 15:30 mins) "Father Tom" hits the streets as he serves up eats and spiritual advice for the homeless. Unsolved Documentary (Thomas Owens, 9 mins) is a postmodern treatment of the inattention paid to racially motivated murders. Wrestling with Ghosts (Dana Kaplan, Maly Ly, Michael Mott, Aaron Pedroni, Tita Poe, 25 mins) is the story of a mother who saved her children from Cambodia's Khmer Rouge, as seen through the eyes of her daughter.-EL, JPEric Lin is a filmmaker and student in the Film Studies Department. Jennifer Paige is a documentary and multi-media producer, and recent graduate of the Graduate School of Journalism. The works in this program were made in B. Ruby Rich's Documentary Film course, Ilisa Barbash's Ethnographic Film course, and Loni Ding's course on Mass Media.
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