The Return Home (Ritorno a Casa)

Filmmaker Nino Jacusso is the son of Italian guest workers in Switzerland--two among thousands of immigrants from southern countries who came north to Switzerland, Germany and Scandanavia over the last few decades seeking a better life. In his 1978 documentary Emigration, Jacusso's parents speak about their experiences of being foreigners in Switzerland for 20 years. The Return Home follows this elderly couple back to their Croatian village of Acquaviva Collecroce in Italy, where they plan to retire. But time has not stood still in the village, and finally, after being strangers for so long in Switzerland, the couple find that they are strangers in their own country. New roads have been built, new houses constructed, the church has a new steeple--but most importantly, a new generation has grown up, and Jacusso's parents know only a few old relatives and neighbors in the village. The Return Home is a moving document on a subject that is rarely discussed, namely the loss that guest workers suffer of any place at all to call home.

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