Revelations and Inspirations

While the inspiration for Michael Guccione's Hearing Voices (1992, 31 mins) was the trial of Joan of Arc, the film focuses on a modern-day cryptographer, Veronica, who finds life a puzzle. This offbeat, humorous film encourages the audience to decipher a series of interlinking vignettes. In Guccione's cryptograms, familiar comedy gags are reworked, gender roles are transgressed, and the life of Joan of Arc is obliquely referenced. In One Eye Leads (1993, 10 mins, Color) by local filmmaker Jennifer Gentile, the mystery of the martyred Saint Lucy, who is thought to have refused a planned marriage, is the catalyst for a delirious comment on the conceptualization of women. Pelle Lowe describes her recent film: "Earthly Possessions (1992, 25 mins, Super-8) is an exploration of the eroticism of grief, loosely derived from Wuthering Heights and Herculine Barbin, Memoirs of a 19th C. Hermaphrodite and moving around the texts of three love poems. The title plays on what we think we possess and who, or what, possesses us: the so-called natural world, in this case, and our social/sexual identities."

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