Rock the Projects: Student Experimental Projects

Short duration in film and video necessitates pointed effectiveness. The works in tonight's program have a big job to do in a small amount of time; they succeed in delivering art of epic proportions at vignette scale. The artists use a diverse set of tactics to find the most immediate route to the head and heart: humor (Porn and Robots, Pete Hottelet, 5 mins), nostalgia (Drawn, Ian Kibbey, 2 mins; Dream, Jong Suk Lee, 2 mins), the erotic (Video Look Book, Annamarie Ho, 5 mins), and the elusiveness and non-specificity of the abstract (Frantic Autumn, Stan Yan, 2 mins). Some of these student projects-Sonic Boom (Jeff Lowe, 2 mins), For When Yr Just Happy to Be Alive (T. Kleine, 3 mins)-are animated works, embracing the expansive possibility of visual spaces unrestricted to the real world, but able to borrow from its vast imagistic offerings. Also screening: Waiting (Jacob Stewart-Halevy, 3 mins, silent); Untitled (Anup Pradhan, 5 mins); Come Back to Your Body (Wun Yip, 5 mins); Drive (Atticus Culver-Rease, 5 mins); Repeated Contests against Authority (Erica Nakamura, 2 mins).

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