Beware of false profits: the unctuous Reverend Randall (Stephen McHattie) is a televangelist who's made a C.O.D. sideshow out of salvation. All's well for this credit-card cleric until a family of faithfuls decide they want their money back. More than back, they want in on the ministry. White trash from Jersey, the Stamples get the randy Reverend to commit several unoriginal sins. Thus compromised, he finds himself with a new TV co-host, Rhonda Stample (Exene Cervenka, of X fame), a devout fan who looks like a toned-down Tammy Faye. Beth B's Salvation! is a raunchy revival show with some hellbent satire. In this earthy delight, the bad are rewarded, the really bad acclaimed, and the evil get airtime. For her part, ditzy Rhonda wants to save America's youth by turning heavy metal music into the Lord's own anthem. Her message strikes a redemptive chord, as she pumps up the ratings by performing “Destroy All Evil” in a studded leather jumpsuit. It's the apocalypse in 4/4 time.

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